<span class="vcard">ethniemay</span>

Watch Instead of Read! I Now Have A YouTube Channel!

New announcement y’all! Social media is all the rage these days, and as part of our Graphic Design class (see my book post for more on that), my mom set to us making YouTube channels! So now you can watch all my adventures, along with reading about them!! The goal is to get us kids to a place where we can successfully produce well-built videos telling stories of our adventures. My videos are now out and I hope y’all enjoy!

Don’t forget to hit that like and subscribe button below so you never miss a single adventure!

Channel Link: Youthful Nomad Narratives

(My siblings are also part of this project so here are their channel links too:)

Zeb: 111 Continents

KB: My Expeditions Abroad

Bardez: B. W. Photography


Now Available!

Exciting news!!! My book Adimu and the Great Kilimanjaro is for sale on Amazon! The only one of its kind, ladies and gentlemen – this book is filled with fun and educational facts of the Great, Mt. Kilimanjaro!

Located in both Kenya and Tanzania, Africa, Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain on the whole African continent; not to mention: the biggest free-standing mountain in the world! Come along on a great adventurous story with Adimu and her grandfather, Babu Barraka!

This story is for all ages: even you teens who think you’re too cool to read children’s books – you’re not. Embrace ye’s inner child! And with all the educational facts, you might even learn something!

Now available on Amazon, Adimu and the Great Kilimanjaro are for sale. Get your copy now!


Sunday, August 21st, Nairobi, Kenya Church As we travel, we don’t always go for the luxuries. Most of the time, we go for educational visits. …