Coming Soon! Adimu and the Great Kilimanjaro!
Coming Soon! Adimu and the Great Kilimanjaro!

Coming Soon! Adimu and the Great Kilimanjaro!

As part of the homeschooling adventure, my parents decided that it would be good for their kids to have some experience in publishing products of their own. And… it would also be some pretty cool bragging rights to say that you’ve published a book. Am I right?

Why Did We Do This?

Having experience and knowing how to publish a book can be a great skill. Thankfully my parents thought of that at the beginning of the year and have had us do it early! We (me, my siblings) started our adventure with the wonderful and amazing Klare Petit-Frére, who taught us the basics of graphic design, and how to use a design platform called Canva. Then, over the span of eight long months, we developed our stories! Beginning with a document and writing out the text that would fill our pages, we then moved to developing the graphics that would go with our books. Then came the editing, and editing again, and again, aaaaand again. Then we set up with Kindle Direct Publishing to self publish our books. Then cam the marketing, ordering author copies, and setting up other content. After all that was done…

You go back and do final edits, making sure everything is in place and perfect. THEN! the final button is pushed, and your book is Published!!

The process is long and can be hard or frustrating at times, but it is oh-so worth it in the end. I will post again when the book is released on Amazon. Stay tuned meanwhile!

Other Childrens Books

As I mentioned above, I AND my siblings worked on our own projects in this homeschooling adventure. I, unfortunately, am the last one to publish my book (which will happen soon!!), but this does not lessen my endeavors! It does, however, give me a chance to shout out to my wonderful siblings, who have accomplished this goal, and have fully published amazing, adorable, super awesome children’s books! Linked below are their blogs, and books on amazing, and a brief description of their colorful stories! Enjoy!

BardezPerry In Paris

Perry in Paris is a sweet little story about a small mouse that makes its way to Paris and explores the wonderful selection of cheese the city has to offer!

KariBellaMorning Magic in Ukraine

Morning Magic in Ukraine is a truly colorful story about the sunrise that spreads through Ukraine! Read this book and watch the pictures come to life in both English and Ukrainian!

ZebaniahRatchets First Mission

Ratchet’s First Mission is a wonderful and mysterious story about a robot who explores space to find a new planet. Will he make it through, or fail in the unknown space of space?