The Mandolorian and Baby Yoda go to IFAM
The Mandolorian and Baby Yoda go to IFAM

The Mandolorian and Baby Yoda go to IFAM

Once upon a time, there were 2 living beings speeding towards a town. Now, I say “beings” because only 1 of them was human. The other was… not exactly an identifiable creature. But it does have a name. Grogu. And his guardian was The Mandilorian. The Mandilorian, who was called Mando,  and Grogu were headed to a special event called IFAM. Mando hadn’t told Grogu where they were going, because it was Grogu’s birthday! He was turning 80, and it was Madno and Grogu’s 30th Anniversary since Mando had escaped Moff Gideon with Grogu.

“Here we are, little guy!” said Mando. They hopped off their speeder and hiked up the ladder to the cliff dwellings. 

“Grrraurree!” Replied Grogu cheerfully. The Pyeu dwellings were just a 20 minute jetpack flight outside of Santa Fe.

“Get some rest buddy, tomorrow’s going to be a big day!”

The next day, Mando woke up early to gather some breakfast. He went off into the hill’s and gathered some Juniper berries and shrubs. When he got back, Grogu was up and playing with a desert frog. 

“Hey, don’t play with your food.” commanded Mando. Grogu popped the frog into his mouth.  

After the two had finished their breakfast, Mando put Grogu in his pack, and strapped on his jetpack. 

“Wooohoo!” Yelled Grogu into the wind as they flew along.

As Mando landed in the back of the line, lot’s of monsters and humans looked up, then went back to their business. There was a long line of  monsters, creatures, and humans ahead of him. In front of him were 2 Ewalks, who were chattering away about their new settlement they had found. Then suddenly, a hand grabbed Mando’s shoulder and swung him around, and gave him a kick to the shin. But he was faster. He grabbed his attacker by the wrist and pulled it around their back. 

“Oh, sorry Cara. I didn’t know it was you.” He let go of his friend. 

“Yeah, well. Thought I’d make sure you still had your guard up. Even though Moff is dead, troopers are still looking for the kid.” Cara replied. 

“So, you’re here for IFAM?” Mando asked. 

“Yes. Actually, I came here for some beads for my daughter.” She said

“Wait, you have a daughter?! Sense when? And who’s the dad?” Mando looked as aghast as he could with his helmet on.

“Since Moff was destroyed. I picked up Mayfeild, we got married, and now we have a daughter named Ashoka. She is 12 this year, and getting very skilled with my sharpshooters.” Cara said. And she seemed very happy. 

By then, the three had come to the front of the line, and were about to scan their tickets when a big fat Wooky cut in front of them. 

“Hey!” yelled Mando “You can’t do that. Back of the line buster!” A series of grunts, squeaks and growls followed. 

“Ok, ok, you may pass, but only this once. And yes, this is the child, so don’t mess with him.” Another series of grunts followed, and the Wooky scanned his ticket and was swallowed into the crowd. Mando’s ticket was scanned by the stormtrooper and he passed in. 

“What was that all about?” asked Cara. 

“The Wooky only cut in front of us because his wife and kids were already in there, and he was very late. He told me that his wife said that if he was more than 30 minutes late this time, then she would not talk to him for a week. So I said that he could pass so that he could be with his family.”

“Ahh, I see. Well… I’m going to go shop, see you later Mando!” Cara called as she ran off.

 Mando pulled Grogu out of his pouch so that he could walk around and see all the cool booths. Grogu found one booth and pointed to the bracelets and necklaces. It was booth 30. 

“You want to try out some of those? Ok.” Mando picked out 3 necklaces and put them on Grogu. Grogu immediately went over to the casher station where a stormtrooper and a wooky, who were both wearing green t-shirts that said volunteer, and handed the necklaces to them. 

“That will be 300 crescents please.” said the stormtrooper. Grogu started to pull out his credit chip when Mando walked over. 

“Hold up, one second. How much are you spending?” he asked Grogu. 

“300 crescents.” replied the stormtrooper before Grogu could. 

“300! Now buddy, that’s a little too much. Why don’t you pick out 1. We still have the rest of the market to explore!” Grogu looked up at Mando and started to pout, but dutifully chose 1 necklace.

“Tooper!” a familiar voice called out. “How’s sales going today?” It was Mayfeild. “Oh hey Mando. Grogu. Now, have you got there?” Mayfield started to look at the necklaces that Grogu had chosen out. “Why such the sad face?” 

“I told him that he needed to only pick one, because it would have been 300 credits to get all 3.” said Mando. 

“Oh, I can take care of that. Trooper, make that 200 crescents instead of 300.” said Mayfeild.

“Oh, that’s very kind. Thank you.” said Mando. 

After the rest of the day, Mando and Grogu shopped at IFAM, and got many things. Afterwards, they went to Harry’s Roadhouse Grill for dinner, and got their first taste of Pizza. Grogu got pizza with frog legs, and Mando with Pineapple and ham. It was all new to them, and they had an amazing day. To finish it off, Mando and Grogu flew back to the Pyeu dwellings and watched the stars in the sky, and the lights of Santa Fe. 

The End.