Happy New Year! Welcome 2024!
Happy New Year! Welcome 2024!

Happy New Year! Welcome 2024!

Happy New Year and hello 2024!

It has been one heck of a year for my family and me. I have published – though few, sorry to say – some posts about my adventures but I can reassure you that I am publishing some new adventurous stories and will share them soon, including:

  • A 2023 summer recap.
  • Three weeks away in Antibes, France for a summer camp – without my family!
  • A post on our Week in Antarctica! – Quark Expeditions.
  • How to do Christmas in another country – Oh there’s nothing like being abroad for the holidays!
  • A Historical and Archaeological Tour on Easter Island – Chile!
  • And last but not least: Soon to be available on Amazon – Adimu and the Great Kilimanjaro! A children’s book about Mt. Kilimanjaro in Kenya, Africa!

I hope each and every one of y’all have had an amazing year and can’t wait to see you in my next adventure!