A Spring of Hope School Project
A Spring of Hope School Project

A Spring of Hope School Project

Tuesday, August 16th, Ntoelemolodi School, South Africa

Today we went to a school called Ntoelemolodi Primary School. I was exceedingly excited. This would be the first time I would attend an international school!

Before we went to the school, we stopped at a station of a street seller who was selling oranges, along with many other things. We bought ALL of her oranges. And by the time we drove away, she was so happy that she was crying. My litterer siblings in that back seat were pilled almost up to the sealing in bags of oranges. It was pretty humorous.

When we pulled up to the school gate, a handful of students were waiting for us. A drummer played a beat, and all the kids started marching. Once we were entirely in the compound, they marched around us.

After the march, A group of girls clad in bright dresses and rhythmic anklets. There were 13 girls in all the amount of the girls. Two of them sad down off t the side of the group, and started playing a beat on their drum. The wholendance lasted almost 10 minutes! Once the dance was done we had a full tour of the school.

Ntoelemolodi Primary School has had a very rough history. The school first started out under a tree. That was the class room, office, and all the other rooms that you might have in a regular school. Then came along Joanne! She and her daughter were visiting the area, when Joanne decided that she wanted her daughter to see the rule parts of Hootspreat. But the privet lodge that she was staying at was trying to make her change her mind about visiting those areas. They offered everything they had to offer: massages, safaris, excursions, everything. But Joanne wouldn’t here it! She said “I want to go see what Hootspreat is really like!” So they took her.

The roads were atrocious, and the living conditions worse. The villages didn’t have any water wells, so they had to get their water from a dirty stream. So Joanne helped ease some money, and installed the first well. She started the Organization called A Spring Of Hope!

The rest of my time at the school was delightful. I really enjoyed the community and the friendships that I saw there. I hope to come back one day, and have a full day of school. 🙂