Bokapp Cooking Class and Tour
Bokapp Cooking Class and Tour

Bokapp Cooking Class and Tour

To start off the day, we walked for about 30 minutes up and down hills to get to a Cape Mala cooking class Airbnb experience in Bokapp Cape Town, at Fayruza’s house to cook African food. We were all very very hungry by the time we got there because, of course, we have been walking for quite a while! The first thing we learn how to be make was Samosas. They’re like dumplings, but better. And we made them gluten-free! We also made vegetarian curry, chicken curry, the special kind of rice with all these magical ingredients in it. There were 2 other people who did the experience with us, and their names were Libby and Matt. Before we started cooking or anything, we did introductions, and our host told us all about her and her house. She had lived in the house since she was a baby, so had her parents, grandparents, and great great grandparents! She had been doing these Airbnb experiences for the past 15 years. “It is what I love doing” she said. It took us about an hour to an hour and a half to make the feast. But in the end, it was all totally worth it. I had the most amazing meal ever, and the best part, there was curry! My favorite. 🙂

After our Bokapp baking experience, we headed out and did a walking tour. Much like the one with Reco! Our guys name this time was Zaky, but he liked to go by Zack. Fayruza told us that she new him, and that he was good. The tour was very short, only about an hour and a half.

Zach told us all about Bokapp, and why there are such colorful houses. It is because, when the British liberated the neighborhood free, and told them that they could do anything they wanted; open their masques, renovate their houses, paint their houses, and more. Finally, the people of Bokapp had their freedom from the Dutch. One of my favorite facts that I learned, was how many times people repaint their houses every year! About once, or twice every month. Imagine how much paint do you use to paint all the houses!

After the tour, Zach took us to his mom‘s house, who was also a chef and did Airbnb experiences. She happen to also make us amazing Samosas, which were gluten-free, and these other dough ball things that we’re pretty good. We sat for a while and chatted with Zack. I had a hair cut soon, so I took an Uber with Zeb, and got a hair cut at Glasshouse Rejuvenation.