Second Time In Cape Town
Second Time In Cape Town

Second Time In Cape Town

Restaurant Hopping On the First Night

After a long day in the cad, we decided to go out and get a huge to eat. A lot of the restaurants were booked through the night, so we had to keep walking to we found one. The first place we went to was a place called The Special Oyster. I’m not fond of oysters that much, so I was skeptical about what I would get for dinner. I am also gluten-free, dairy-free, and egg free. So it’s hard to get a dish without all 3 of those thing. But we only ended up getting drinks and starters there. They had the BEST chips I have ever had!

After that, we went to the best sushi restaurant that I have ever been to In my life. They also have a really great selection of mocktails, so mom let us kids get one each. I got some Edamame and California rolls for dinner.

Kayaking with the dolphins

In the morning, we went kayaking with Adventure Outdoors. We kids have a lot of experience kayaking because we did it over the summers in Cannon Beach. Three other couples were doing it with us. I was in a kayak with Bardez. Zeb and dad in one, and mom and Kb in another.

The best part about the experience was the dolphins. We didn’t have to go far to find the slick animals. Our guide asked us to “telepathically tell the dolphins to do some tricks for us!” I did, and it worked! At least that’s what I told my self. 🙂

I got some great videos of them playing, swimming under us, and jumping in the air.

Off The Gluten Path: An All Gluten Free Bakery.

Very Rarely do we come across a gluten-free bakery. Today we got some luck. Mom found a fantastic place called Off The Gluten Path. They had gluten-free croissants, cakes, muffins, cookies, everything; it was pretty awesome. We got some chicken pot pies and an apple crumbles from them. For the rest of the day, I just took a nap, and then we went to Pier for dinner.

Dinner At Peir

The second and last night (for mom, Kb, and B), my parents took us to an excellent restaurant called Pier. It had a fixed menu of 11 courses. My parents had been to the restaurant below called WaterSide, but never upstairs. Why mom and dad wanted to take us to this restaurant because they had the most exotic art food ever; it was crazy. My favorite part was the mocktails. There was an option for pairing wine with each course, so we asked if she could do that with mocktails! And the bartender did it perfectly. I had the most amount of mocktails I had ever had in my life at one meal. It was awesome.

The food was extraordinary. I usually hate oysters, but the way that Pier presented and cooked them was so good that I actually liked it! There was also lamb, raw scallops, and salmon with extra salt. The whole dinner lasted about 5 hours. I didn’t get to bed till 11:45 pm that night, but it was totally worth it. 🙂

Paragliding Over Cape Town

The previous day, we were supposed to go paragliding over cape town after kayaking, but the wind was too high. So they rescheduled for the following day. When we got there, the wind was too low, but we only had to wait 20 minutes. Then they started shooting people off the mountain like crazy! Ok, not shooting shooting, but sending people off paragliding very quickly. When the next window opened, my pilot quickly got me strapped in, and we ran down the hill as our lives depended on it. Soon were gliding through the air. It was indeed a magical and terrifying experience. We even did some acrobatics! I was the first one to land, so I got to watch the rest of my family fly and land.

The company that we used was called Fly Cape Town