Leaving Cape Town for the Hermanus Coastal Area
Leaving Cape Town for the Hermanus Coastal Area

Leaving Cape Town for the Hermanus Coastal Area

The Drive To the Penguins

The drive was beautiful. It was a clear sunny day, and the colors of seaside towns were flying. I took lots of pictures and marveled at the beauty of the landscape. It really looked like the mountains were green-screened in the background!

The Short Penguin Stop

Because I was sick when my family went to see the Africa Penguin this week, they kindly took me to see them for myself! The water was very cold, at least to my standards. I’ve been introduced to warm water oceans, and now anything below about 80 degrees Fahrenheit is cold to me. We also arrived at Bolder Beach at high tide. The last time my family went to Bolder Beach, it was relatively low tide. (You can learn more about that on my sibling’s blogs) The others had good luck on their side. The second time we didn’t. It was high tide, which meant wading through freezing water to get to the penguins. This also meant that I had to take my pants off. Yes. I had to take my pants off to get to the penguins. My decision-making in my clothing that morning had not thought to put on shorts or quick dry pants! Alas, I had to walk in my underwear and shirt to see the penguins. It was worth it, though. My legs might have gotten so cold that I couldn’t feel them when walking through the water, but the penguins were so cute!!! I named one Hadley and Mr. Burgundy. Bardez was my guide when showing me the penguins, so he let me use his phone to take pictures.

Lunch and the Beach at Muizenberg

After the Penguin stop, we grabbed lunch at a lovely little town called Muizenberg. It was gorgeous weather, and boys were getting ready for surf school all around us! We grabbed lunch at Kawaii. It got a bowl, and so did B, Zeb and Kb got wraps. We walked around the beach, and the others played on the playground after lunch. Dad got a Starbucks, the first one we’ve seen in all of Africa!!

Arriving at Our Airbnb in Kleinmond

The drive to Kleinmond was not very eventful. I listened to some music and looked out the window at the scenery. We arrived at our Airbnb and immediately fell in love. The host was there, and she showed us around the house and how to work the alarm system. The house had a great view of the ocean. There wasn’t a beach out front, but many rocks and the ways made magnificent crashes against them. The primary kid’s room had a pool table and bunk bed. The littles took that room; Zeb took the queen room, which I was ok with; and I took the twin room. My parents got the master room.

The house’s only heating system was a fireplace. So that was exciting. After we all got settled, we headed out to dinner.

Dinner at Wild Horse

Dinner at Wild Horse was terrific. Our waitress was super friendly, and she made everything gluten-free. I was introduced to Rooibos Tea and instantly fell in love. The dish that I got was Jumbo Prawns (shrimp) with chips (french fries). My siblings and mom got the ribs and chips. Dad got a new fish called Hake. We had a fantastic night at went to bed filled and ready for the next day.