The church we went to today was a new experience. The church was Small staged in a makeshift warehouse. I was surprised at the number of kids too! Some little girls were super cute and pretended to be little ballerinas. I thought that one of them looked a lot like me when I was little. 🙂
The actual service was quite intense. The 2 man band played for 32 minutes straigh. Then the service was another hour. It was load seeing when we got there, so we had to wait about 20-30 minutes till it came back on.
The service was… I’m not sure how to put it. It was kind of intense but also calm. The end of the service was startling to me because it was something I has never seen or experienced before. They invited people to come up to the front, if they wanted, and they would bless them. Some of the woman did something like fainting, and would lay on the ground and have a purple blanket draped over then. They would just lay there and cry. Mom told me that this was called being “Slain in Sperit”. After the service, mom and dad chatted with the pastor for a while, then we left. We had been in church for a little over 2 hours, so I was very ready to get some lunch.

Lunch In Hermanus
After the exstencivly long church service, we went to get lunch in down town Hermanus. The pastor and his wife recommended. A place called pear tree for lunch. There and I got the night nacho platter. So did (Mom), and it was really amazing chocolate while for the food to come out but while we waited, me and KB walked around the shops around the food center. We also watched the whales play out in the ocean. We stopped at a jewelry shop and me and KB got some stuff there. My new favorite animals address am penguins, so I bought a pair of draft earrings. KB got some presents for some friends, And a locker. I really liked watching all the artists make their own products. It was super cool, watch this artist, especially who was making wiring the sculptures. Mainly of whales awesome other things too. Emanus is famously known for their whales, and while we were there, it was birthing season so all the whale mamas and giving birth to their babies!

Watching the Whales.
I loved watching the whales play. Ingot a great photo and video of one bretching over and over again. I know I said that giraffes are my favorite animal, but in adding whales to the top of the list too.

Shopping With Kb After Lunch
After lunch, me and my sibling went to go check out the indoor shops. I got some Candy Floss and the others got some ice cream at the sweet shop. After that, we checked out the out door shop.
I Finally Get My Satchel!
I have been looking for a satchel for quite some time. Kb had gotten a really cute one from a shop in the side of the road, and it’s the perfect size for her. When we were shopping outside after lunch, I found the perfect satchel for me. It’s blue (my favorite color), had just the right amount of pockets, and it small enough that it like a purse, but big enough so I can put my iPad and other things in it! I love it so much. ❤️

Cape Of Good Hope
Our plan was to hike Lions Head in Cape Town, but we instead drove to the Cape Of Good Hope. It’s a national park, and super gourgouse. It was a clear day, so we could see the view for a miles on end. We hiked up to the top of the light house, and that was hard, but not as hard as Kili. After taking some family photos there, we drove down to the ocean front. And I saw the weirdest thing ever: ostriches by the ocean!! They were just standing there with their fluffy butts and dinosaur feet eating grass! (my third favorite animal is an ostrich because of their bug feathers, crazy long eye lashes, and fluffy butts). I took some amazing pictures of ocean waves crashing on the rocks. I also got super grosed and freaked out when I saw hundreds of tiny termite/cockroach sea bugs all over the wet rocks below me. I even get the shivers just thinking about them!