Kruger National Park
Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park

The Drive There

We got up early in the morning, and Lucky drove us to our ride to Kruger National Park. It was very hot that day and as soon as the sun rose started getting very very warm. The car we were in was like a Safari jeep. It is a rolled-up size so you could lean out the window. At first we didn’t really see any cool animals, but that changed quickly. The first one of the Big 5 that we saw was a herd of elephants. We had never seen a wild elephant before, so this was a big deal. We also say a lioness. She was very well hidden, and you could only see her when she flicked her tail up. We drove around some more and found Zebras. Giraffes, exotic birds, and more!

Lion Pride!

Around mid morning, we saw a LOT of cars in one spot. It was the pride of lions! There was a prominent male lion, 6 lionesses, and 4 cubs. It was a full on party! We watched them for about 30 minutes when the elephants started to arrive. In case you don’t know, elephants are very big, and they are the largest land animal in mass. Everyone is afraid of them. Enven the lions! The predators started getting uneasy when the elephant showed up. It was quite funny to watch. 🙂 

We got tired of the heat and the lion soon after, and so we started to drive back. But we were interrupted by the herd of elephants. We stopped, and watched, mesmerized by the beasts. And there was even a little baby too! It was getting VERY hot by now, so we really started to drive back. Then MORE elephants showed up, and were blocking the road!! 

Stuck Behind the Elephant Bulls…

As we were heading back to Thulani, a backlore party of elephants (a party of bull elephants). At one point, all of the elephants but one, the biggest bull, got off the road. We were like “Dear kindly Sergeant Krupke, we hope you understand! It’s just you staying on the road that gets us out of hand. Please if you will kindly move out of the road!!” It was very silly. About 1 hour and a half after we first got stuck all the elephants moved down the road and lumbered down to a watering hole. We stayed for about 10 minutes watching them spray themselves with mud. And some of the elephants went over to the water spring tub and stuck their trunks in to get fresh water! How naughty! 

The Drive Back

The drive back was long and hot. In the air, there were pockets of hot air, and cold air. I tried to listen to an audio book, but the wind was two strong to hear anything. We got back to Thulani in the eving, and I took a very good shower.