Staying At Thulani Lodge – Hoedspruit South Africa
Staying At Thulani Lodge – Hoedspruit South Africa

Staying At Thulani Lodge – Hoedspruit South Africa

When we we visited the spring of hope, we stayed at a house called Thulani.

It was a very nice house. Me and Kb shared a room. We had a big walk-in closet, a big bath tub, and a great view of the back yard. 🙂 While in Africa, most beds have mosquito netting. We had that, and it made our bed look like a princess’s bed! 

The first night we arrived, Charlene (the chef) had made us dinner AND desert! It was all sooooo good! I went to bed on that first night happy, full, and content.

Mud Massage

While at Thulani, mom had booked us kids a mud massage. It was strange. My masseuse rubbed this paste that felt like sand and mud combined. Me and kb talked through the entire massage. It was very funny.

Mischievous Monkeys!

Another thing that was fun about Thulani was the monkeys. They were very stupid but smart at the same time. You’re not supposed to leave your doors open because they will come in and take all the food! How naughtly!

Game Drives

Almost every night, Kelvin would take us on a game drive. A game drive is when you go out in a car and search for animals, or game, as they are called! I loved these drives mostly because of the sun. We would be out at sunset or sunrise and the sky would turn into a brilliant light show!


Here in Africa, they have BBQ’s all the time. Though they call it something else: Braai; and the food is different here too. In America, we have either ribs, corn, beans or burgers and/or hot dogs. Here they have warthog, corn, chakalaka, ostrich, and more! It was very fun. We had Nomsa and her grandson come, along with Trygive and his family. It was a feast!

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye to Charlene, Kelvin, and the Thulani house was a sad parting. I had really enjoyed my time there. I hope that whenever you go to Africa, that you might stay at Thulani. See you at the next place!