Arrived in Mexico!
Arrived in Mexico!

Arrived in Mexico!

Hello sunny Mexico! We are now in Pearto Vallarta, Mexico, and loving it. The house we are saying in is amazing. 2 swimming pools, one hot, one cold; beautiful view of the ocean, and the most amazing feelings ever. I am so happy.

The plane ride was good. 5:20 wake up for the fam for a early flight. We flew out of Portland, OR; or PDX is the airport name. I got some beautiful photo’s of the sunrise, and a large snow-caped mountain. (I will attach the photos)

Once we arrived, it was blazing hot outside. We had to go though 2 customs; 1 was immigration, and the 2nd was the actual customs. As usual, the line took at least 20 – 30 minutes, but all was quick after that.

The house is amazing. With at least 4 flors of elegance and phazas, 2 pools, and 5 roomy rooms, all with there own bathe room. Pretty amazing.

We also have 1 maid, (I’m not sure what her name is yet), a “manger” Jorge (pernoused: horhe), and a chef, Alonzo.

Eeeeeee! I am just so happy. right now. Anyway… I am now going to go watch the magnificent sunset. Watch for the next post!