Europe With Friends > Part 4:  7 Things We Did in Florence, Italy
Europe With Friends > Part 4: 7 Things We Did in Florence, Italy

Europe With Friends > Part 4: 7 Things We Did in Florence, Italy

Our trip has come to a final close, with just two days left, we spent them in the amazing town of Florence Italy! You’d be surprised at how much we did in just this city. But let me tell you all about it! Here are my top 5 favorite things.

1) Shopping!

I know I’ve done a lot of shopping on this trip, and I’ve said I love it all – but Florence shopping beats all the rest by far. There are literal streets in all directions lined with authentic Italian stores. Of course, there were also typical overpriced American stores but we didn’t check those out. Piazza dell Repubblica Square is the hotspot I’m talking about. Bardez wanted a cool jacket from Italy, and he found the perfect one!! He looks quite stylish on him if I don’t say… I found an incredibly amazing fully leather trench-coat jacket! It was a little… expensive. But I’m saving up for it. We shopped along for the next two days while we were there, but that was the pinnacle of the Florence shopping experience.

2) Florence Cathedral

The largest cathedral in the world, the Florence Cathedral is a sight to behold! We didn’t get to go inside sadly, but the pictures I got are incredible. The whole thing too 100 years to make, and it’s purely marble!

3) Grom

What the heck is Grom?? A gelato place. The most amazing Gelato shop in all of Florence in fact. It is especially so amazing because they had gluten-free cones!!! How often do I get a gluten-free cone?? Almost never – and if I do their the crapy kind that tastes like a mix between cardboard and plastic and some version of corn!! How often do I get a gluten-free cone that looks like a regular cone??? NEVER! You can tell how excited I was about this place. Highly recommend!!

4) Rooftop Bar

I haven’t been to many rooftop bars, but this one was definitely a fav: View on Art – Rooftop. We got killer drinks and potato ships while enjoying the sunset across the view of the city!! Amazing time!!!


Now I know we already went to one in Naples (see my Part 2 post for more), but we went to another all-gluten-free bakery in Florence! The food was amazing and we got several treats to take back home. So many treats that we shoved them into our bags and took out clothes to put in our backpacks! The place is called Bottega Artigiana del Gusto, or BAR for short! The best part was the bread. They had loaves upon loaves of perfect bread (gluten-free mind you). The outside perfect crunch, the inside perfect fluff! Ahh it’s so amazing!

6) Walking Adventure

One of the best things about being a human is that we have our own two feet to take us anywhere we can. For a one-half day, Kb and I explored with the deBlois the city of Florence! We hiked all the way up to this amazing view, then back down to get Gelato at Grom! Pictures can say more than words honestly…

7) La Gallerie degli Uffizi

This was so much fun, exploring this art gallery, La Gallerie degli Uffizi! Mrs. deBlois set up a scavenger hunt of 15 things we have to find in a piece of art! There are so many amazing paintings and I could have spent a whole day exploring the three floors of art. I highly recommend going to this museum.

8) The Catacombs

Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures of this adventure because, with respect to the dead, you are not allowed to take pictures of them. tombs?? Yes, the famous eight miles (expanding into a circle) of endless tombs in Florence are a sight to behold. Not gonna lie, it was slightly like being in a super scary movie where zombies might jump out at any moment and take you back down the grave with them! But no such thing happened. The catacombs were built for the Christians to bury their dead, even Romans used the tombs! They we’re shelves, dug out of the dirt underground, where each body lay, sealed off with red bricks. There are still a handful of tombs that haven’t been raided by tomb raiders, which might even make the experience even more terrifying! But overall, I highly recommend this experience!