Above the Canopy
Above the Canopy

Above the Canopy

As you might guess, this post if going to be about zip-lining, or something of that sort. On Monday February 7th: me, my family, and our friends took a buss into the town of Puerta Vallarta to the marina. There we took a boat ride to a new beach called Bocka beach, from there we took a 30 minute “yellow limo” (This was not actually a limo. It was a large truck which was open, and had handles on the roof) up the mountain. Once we got up to the meeting place for the Adventure, we were met by a man named “Kut”. He told us all about the experience we were about to have.

Mule ride: In order to get up to the zip-lineing at the top, we had to take mules. These are animals a cross between a horse and donkey. They are short like a donkey, but have the shape as a horse. The best parts about that ride was when my mule (I did not get his name) trotted and cantered (which is a fast trot/run). Once we got to the top, the view was amazing! You could see the whole vast horizon. I did not get any pictures of this because our guide’s said that we couldn’t bring any extra thingamadads. No cameras, phones, backpacks, etc.

Repealing down a waterfall: After the mule ride, we then took a zip line to go repel down a waterfall. It was really never racking, and I did slip once onto the rock face. Once I got down to the bottom, I was lowered into thy deep water. It was not the warmest of waters, but it was refreshing.

Zip line rollercoaster: I am not joking around with the title of this section. On our Vallarta Adventures adventure, we went on an actual zip-lining rollercoaster. This contraption is made of steel winding bars, or tracks, which are connected together to make a rollercoaster.

The ride was impeccable and wild. There were a lot of dips and sharp turns, and I mostly thrill screened the whole time. Lol. This rollercoaster also has a interlay unique braking system. They brake is water. At the end of the ride, you take a big drop into a freezing pool of water. Before I did the big drop, my family was shouting “PLUG YOUR NOSE! PLUG YOUR NOSE!!” I did, and I was so glad I did. Anyway. That was the best part of the adventure for me. But wait, there more!

Upside-down zip line:Zip-lining while upside-down is much harder then you think. One of the guides told me to put my feet up above my head, so I did. The ride was present enough, but slightly painful.

Skim Boarding a Zip Line: Once I was un-hooked from the upside down zip line, I took a short hike to this crazy looking zip line. The line had 2 sides, and on each was a skim board attached by all this mettle stuff… Anyway, me and one of my friends did it together, and I thrill screamed the who 15 second long ride.

The Final Thrill: Even after all of the amazing-ness that our guides took us through, they still had one more thrill to give us. At the end of the Skim Board zip line, they took our helmets, and replaced them with hockey helmets… I was vary suspicious. But the helmets served there purpose, because I went down a vary crazy water slide. I keept bonking my head against the side, so the helmet helped.

The Final close: The adventure was amazing. I mean, a Mule ride, Repealing down a waterfall, a zip line rollercoaster, an upside-down sip line! These all seem really crazy. But at the end, we were served hot, fresh, delicious quesadillas, and smoothies. A great end to an amazing adventure.

Have a great day, and watch for the next post!