Sailing Camp in Auckland
Sailing Camp in Auckland

Sailing Camp in Auckland

A Stormy, Day One

Knots and Kiwi Marshmallows

Because of the bad weather, started out our morning with doing a little sailing in the harbor. But that didn’t last long… So we came in and our instructor Will got us hot chocolates with Kiwi Marshmallows, which are really weird sticky concoctions of tastiness. After getting our drinks, Will took us to a room and he thought us some sailors knots! My favorite wast the reef knot. The hardest was the bolder knot. I can’t even begin to explain it. There were other one, but their not worth mentioning.

Trying to Set Up a Boat Blindfolded

After knots, lunch, and hot coco, Will took us to the boat house. It was more like a big garage but filled with boats. Anyway, he had us do a challenge. He showed us an Opti which is like a small sail boat. He showed us how to rig it up, then presided to tell us that we had to rig it up blindfolded! It was AWESOME! It took me a lot longer, but I still enjoyed it.

we also proceeded to make will set up the hockey blindfolded just like we did. It was hilarious. I would say that it might be how long is it fine to do things blindfolded more often you think?

Day 2. A Good One

Day 2 was fun. We worked mostly on just steering our the big Quest boat by ourselves. My favorite job was working the jib which is the small sail at the front of the boat. I wasn’t much for steering, but I also did like taking care of the main sail. That was fun. I did learn that sailing a boat is not all about leaning back and doing nothing. The hardest and probably the most important part of sailing is hiking. Hiking is when you lean out of the boat to stabilize it when it’s tipping. This was Zeb’s favorite part of sailing. Will would make the sail really tight which makes the boat tip one way, and Zeb would hike to keep it from capsizing.

The Boys First Tack

One existing thing that happened was that the boys each got to do their first tack! A tack and/or jive is when you turn you boat around for a turn or change of direction. This kind of hard to do because you have to keep all things together while also steering and getting yourself to the other side of the boat. You always want to be on the opposite side of the boom and sail. They did a couple more tacks before we had to go in for the day.

An Ice Cream Refresher

After a good day, mom took us to the park and we got ice cream! I don’t know if y’all know this, but I am lactose intolerant, which means I can’t have actual ice cream. And yes, it dose suck. But that does mean that I love sorbet!! And this place had the BEST sorbet that I have ever had in my life. It was the blackberry/raspberry kind. Mmmmm… 😊😇

Day Tree: Going Out of the Harbor and Getting to Use Our Own Little Boats!

A trip Around the Bay

Day 3 was the best. Mostly because of the good weather in the morning. Will took us out of the harbor and yacht club aria where we had been practicing for the past couple of days. It was so much fun going across the boating section in the bay because of the ways. There were like 1 meatier waves! (3-4 feet!) When we did get across, we sat for a while in this quiet section near a beach. Me and Kb loved the peacefulness but the boys were restless. We we didn’t stay long there. We cruised around the bay for a while and saw many fairy’s and even a Navy ship! We were out their till lunch time when we headed in.

I Can’t Steer and Opti

After lunch, we had a bit of a dilemma. Bardez and Zeb wanted to try to take out some Opti’s to sail in the harbor, but Kb wanted to take the Quest out and go into the bay. I was good either way. Finally, after using Will as the deciding factor, we took out 3 Opti’s into the harbor. Since there were only 3, one of us had to go in the power boat. I volunteered to do that. So I helped the others get out into the harbor, and jumped in the dinghy with Will. After about 20 minutes, I traded with Kb so that I could have a turn. All that wile, the boys were cruising around! And Zeb had already capsized once! It was hilarious. But very quickly, it was very clear that I could not do this. No matter how I sat and moved around and tried to make things work, I would basically stay in one place the whole time. And there was a major storm coming on quick. So I traded back with Kb and got in the dinghy to help bring people back in. Alas, by the time we had everyone and boat on land, I was thoroughly soaked. It was fine because I needed a shower anyway! After derigging the boats, we said our last goodbyes to Will and departed with mom.

Note: I do not have many pictures because I didn’t have my phone most of the time. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.