Sailing trip!
Sailing trip!

Sailing trip!

On Friday, February 12th, me, my family, and our good friends who are on this trip with us, all went on a amazing sailing trip in Puerta Vallarta. We had to get up at 7:00 am and breakfast was at 7:30. The sunrise was so cool, and some wales put on an amazing show for us that morning.

We then took a taxi ride to the Puerta Vallarta mirena, and the captain and his crew immediately started serving us drinks. 5 out of the 7 of us kids got verging Pinacolatas, which is a coconut based drink with pineapple juice pored in after.

The board ride was really awesome. Us kids played a lot of card games, and had a great time. We also saw 3 turtles, 2 wale siting, and dolphins.

The trip was great, and after we went on a walk on the board walk. Dad got a cool cowboy hat 🤠. Lol

Hope y’all are having a great day! Watch for the next post!