Santa Fe, New Mexico
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Tus, July 05 ; Santa Fe, NM, U.S.A

  • Today we arrived in Santa Fe, New Mexico! It’s also GranKari’s birthday! It was a little stressful getting our 44-foot RV parked in Cathy’s back driveway with all the Juniper and Pine trees around. There was a lot of tree debris all over the gravel once we were all set up. 
  • For the next hour or so we hung out, and us kids went for a swim in Cathy’s indoor pool! Then we all got ready to go out to a special dinner for GrainKari’s birthday. 
  • The dinner was AMAZING. GrainKari’s and GrandpaTim’s friends Patricia and Jo were also with us. We went to Arroyo Vino, and I had calamari (fried octopus, which I surprisingly don’t hate. Not saying that I loved it either), spicy carrots, the most flavorful pulled pork, and the best Dark Chocolate Tort you have ever had. 
  • One funny part of dinner was when the waiter was serving wine glasses to all the adults, and he almost gave one to me! Though my mom corrected him. Everybody laughed and made jokes about me being so mature and looking older than I really was. 
  • Another amazing part of our dinner was the sunset. The sky was painted all shades of purple, pink, red, and blue. It looked like the canvas of an out-of-control watercolor painter on steroids used after a party. 

Wed, July 06; Santa Fe, NM, U.S.A

  • Today was fun. We had violin lessons in the morning, and I did really well. After our lessons ended we went into downtown Santa Fe. First, we went to this book store called Collected Works Book store and Coffeehouse, and I got 2 really good books. One of them is called Black Girls by Christina Hammonds Reed, and the other is Bitter by Akwaeke Emezi. I finished both in a week and highly recommend them. After the book store, we walked along the streets towards the Santa Fe Plaza, and on our way, we stopped at a cowboy-type store. I browsed the shop before my eye caught on this beautiful leather vest with strips on the end. I really wanted to get it, but it was a little pricey. So I didn’t. After we left that store, we headed to our favorite shop in the Santa Fe Plaza, called Mavericks. They have some really amazing stuff! 
  • After our excavation downtown, we headed back to the RV, and mom and dad got ready for an adult night out with some of their friends. We had a kids’ night and watched Pirates of the Caribbean. 

Thu, July 07; Santa Fe, NM, U.S.A.

  • Today was … interesting. I went to the International Folk Art Market (IFAM) for the first time ever! There was some amazing stuff there. But what I really had my heart set upon, was a silver charm bracelet. I had gotten it last year from my parents, but then a couple of months later, it fell off my wrist on a plane! Gone forever. But now I have found a new bracelet, and it’s very pretty. It doesn’t have the charms that I would have liked. I decided to think about if I was going to buy it, and went to look around the rest of the market. Then, on the upper level, I found the most amazing pair of earrings ever! It’s like they were just made for me! But… They were a little too expensive for me. So I didn’t get them. Afterward, I went back to the booth with the bracelet was and asked what the price was. And once again, it was far out of my price range to buy.
  • Later today, our friends came over to swim. It was fun and their 2 boys were cool. After we were done swimming, we ate dinner, mom’s road soup which is the best, and watched the 4th Pirates of the Caribbean. 

Fri, July 08; Santa Fe, NM, U.S.A

High: Cashering/volunteering at IFAM: I got the gist of it pretty quick, so that was nice. And there was this snack cart that handed/offered us drinks and food. I got an apple juice. My cashier mate was very nice, and we became fast friends. 

After my shift ended, I decided to buy some of the items from one of the booths we were cashiering for. It was a pair of earrings, and 2 bracelets, but only one I paid for. The other one was free! It was a buy 1 one, get 1 free deal. Amazing!

The first hour of parking duty was also one of my highs. Our friend Cathy was hosting a big party, and me and my siblings were on parking duty. I liked the adrenaline of it, but we got off to a rough start because there were some people who arrived 30 minutes early, and they really didn’t know how to park, so that was hard…

Low: After the first hour of parking duty was rough. It started raining heavily, and I got drenched. I also got very tired after 8:00 pm of parking cars. Though on the bright side, I got all my steps’ in! 

Learned: How to be a chaser! And I loved it. #new/thing/to/add/to/my/resume!

Sat, July 09; Santa Fe, NM, U.S.A

High: Shopping at IFAM with Grankari, GrandpaTim, my family, and friends. I bought a new pain of erring’s, and I now LOVE them. The artist was so nice, and I had already bought 6 pairs from her before for some friends, and they were awesome. 🙂

Another high was dinner at Harry’s Roadhouse, I got a Gluten-Free Hiwian pizza, (which I never get. Pizza I mean) and it was the best!! All the right flavors. 

Low: Baking in the sun while horseback riding at Broken Saddle Ranch. The ride was amazing, but the sun was not as much fun. 

Another low of my day was the rain at IFAM. We knew it was coming, but we didn’t know it would come as quickly. And we specifically went that night because there was supposed to be free food and drinks. Plus dancing. But the food was junk and overpriced, and there was no dancing. So instead we went out to dinner at another place.  

Sun, July 10 ; Santa Fe, NM, U.S.A

High: How un-tired I felt after I slept in till 12:39 today. And my first class with Dr. RJ, who is a success coach. 

Low: Not being able to go to the cool ruins with my family. 

Learned: What it meant to have success on the couch. 

Mon, July 11; Santa Fe – Chaco Canyon U.S.A

High: My massage at Ten Thousand Waves, and the drive to Chaco Canyon. My therapist was amazing and did all the right stuff. The drive was so cool because we got to see all the cool storms, and drive through some of them too!

Low: The mushrooms in the stew at dinner. I really don’t like mushrooms because they taste all slimy and gross to me. 

Learned: That God has truly made one heck of a creation.