5K goal completed!
5K goal completed!

5K goal completed!

As some of you know, if you’ve read my bio, I have working on being about to run a 5k. Which is 3.15 miles. And today, I accomplished that goal! I ran with my puppies (Winnie (girl) and Watson (boy)) and my trainer. In Cannon Beach, there’s a a good path that runs down by the state park, and around to the ponds a couple times. Then we ran back to the house.

I have been working up to this day for the past month and a half. Back then, I was only able to run a bout 0.14 miles, not even a forth of a mile! And now I can run 3.1 miles!

If any of y’all have a Fitbit. I do too! Friend me!

Have a great day!