Elk in Cannon Beach
Elk in Cannon Beach

Elk in Cannon Beach

Here in Cannon Beach, we have a Elk herd that know the town. Usually, they are in the 2 big fields that we have, one by the closed school, and the other by the playground/skate park. But today… They were on our hill! We have a house up on a hill with a gravel street. I go running every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And this time, the Elk were on our hill, and we had to walk right past them!! These guys are big… The cows (The females) are a good 5+ feet tall and there really protective about there calf’s, which are what the baby’s are called. And the bull’s (the male’s) you do not want to make mad. Not only are they protective about there heard, but also about the females. Especially in mating season.

The elk have gotten pretty used to humans and tourists saying that they’ve been coming into Cannon Beach for the past 20 years. Actually, here’s a good tip: Don’t try and get a selfie with the Elk, or feed them. Please. We’ve had accidents with people trying to put there arm around the neck of an elk. It’s not going to end well for you.

Now, I’m not saying that you can’t take pictures of the elk, that it totally fine.