A Day in Dolly Wood
A Day in Dolly Wood

A Day in Dolly Wood

A #1 Stop While in Tennessee and America

Dolly Parton’s “DollyWood” in Pigeon Forge Tennessee is a number one stop for all. While on our road trip back from Chicago, Illinois, mom told us that us kind could plan our trip back! We could stop anywhere as long as it was somewhat close to the route that we were taking home, and Zeb found Dolly Wood! The theme park is perfect for all ages, even teens, kids, or adults. Mom said that it is her new favorite amusement park. On the plus side, it’s far cheaper than Disney Land! I would recommend, if you do go, to stay at the DreamMore hotel; or if you go when it is finished: the HeartSong! If you go in the summer, I would recommend the water park too.

Dolly Parton’s Stampede

The first night we arrived, we had booked tickets to Christmas at Dolly Parton’s Stampede Dinner Attraction. It is not at any of the resorts, but a privet place. The show was SPECTACULAR!!! The show master Jey and his incredible team put on a impeccable show. There were horse and aerialists, and flying pigs, and chicken, and a really weird comedian named Sceeter. They can also accommodate food allergies like Gluten, very well.


The Rollercoaster at Dolly Wood, to my standards, are true roller coasters. With ups and down, twits and around-a-bouts. My favorite was probably Lighing Rod or Sky Rider. I am describing each rollercoaster in the order that we did them in. Enjoy!

Lighting Rod

Lighting Rod is a high speed rollercoaster with sharp ups and down and turns. It lasts apparently 2:21 minutes. But it feels much shorter when on this thrill ride. Me and my siblings did this ride 3 times. Mom did it once but she had a call the second time.

Sky Rider

This swinging ride is ski high fun and thrilling. Literally. You get in a seat and buckle yourself in, then the big mettle arm, powered by what I think is air, swings you into the air. You are perfectly safe the whole time, and I loved this ride. I unfortunately only got to do it once because after I did the Lighting Rod 3 times I ate some food, then did the Sky Rider and got sick. Not a good choice. Mom also did this, and she said it was her favorite.

FireChaser Express

After not feeling good for while, I finally did another rollercoaster. FireChaser Express is a fast thrilling ride that is a lot like Thunder Mountain in Disneyland. Though with a twist. FireChaser goes backwards. Even though this ride was not my favorite, I still really liked it.

Wild Eagle

Now. THIS ride was great. You go upside down 4 times!! I’m pretty sure that it’s about 2 minutes long, but again, it felt much shorter. Like Sky Rider, you have to harness yourself in. As you climb to the spencful slope to the top right before you drop off, the anticipation that this will be your last moments on earth. I promise you, unless the roller coaster flis off it’s hinges, you’ll be fine. Maybe… 😉

Mystery Mine

This ride should only be ridden once. The quick instant drop at the beginning gives off a sort of “Ok? I don’t need to do this one again.” feel. This ride has lots of round-a-bouts, bumps, and drops. This ride was not my total favorite, but it was good.

Drop Line

Ahhhhh!!!! That was me all the way down the 20 story drop of this thrill ride. I usually love the feeling of dropping down in rides or the feeling like I’m floating, or that gravity is nowhere to be seen. Dorp Line was on another level; literally. Have you ever been on the Guardians of the Galexy ride in DinseyLand? It’s a lot like that, though I this one is just one, long, terrifying drop to earth. And the worst part was, as you chugged up to the top, you get to see all of Dolly Wood. Great view, but not so great when you know your about to drop back to the bottom. The real worst part was that we waited at the top for 20 seconds!! You might be thinking, that’s not very long! But trust me, when you know that your about to drop 20 stories, it is the longest 20 seconds of you life. I would not recommend this ride for anyone who doesn’t like falling or heights.


Our, last and final ride in Dolly Wood: Thunderhead. I would not recommend this ride. It is super rickeiy, and very long. It may look fun, but this ride was not as amazing as it looks.

Food and Drinks in Dolly Wood

After, before, or in between playing hard at Dolly Wood, you might want some food! We went to a GF friendly dining hall called Till and Harvest Food Hall. The food was amazing, and the service very good. It is right by Mystery Mine, and in the Wildwood Grove section.