A Day in Knoxville Tennessee
A Day in Knoxville Tennessee

A Day in Knoxville Tennessee

The Drive to Knoxville

One of my favorite things about traveling is when we wake up early, and I get to sleep in the car or RV. We left home in Raleigh around 5 am, and I just slept and slept. As we drove to Knoxville, we also realized that the car was low on energy. We were taking the Tesla, and when we rolled into the supercharger station, we literally had 0 miles left. It was pretty funny.

We also passed the iconic (to our family) Camp bridge. It’s iconic for us because it’s the bridge/exit that we take when we go to our favorite camp called Crestridge/Ridgecrest camp for girls and boys. The first time I went there, was in 2018. It seems like forever ago!

Trying to Busk With Bardez

After getting settled into the Embassy Suite Hotel in Down Town Knoxville and finishing all of my homework, me and Bardez decided to go busking in the square down the street. Busking, if you don’t know what it is, is when someone plays an insterment on the steet or sidewalk. Have you ever seen someone playing a saxiphone or gitaur with their case open? They are busking. (In Cannon Beach, me and my sisblings go busking all the time. It’s a good way to make some quick cash.) Anyway, we arived in the square and emidetly saw lots of action. I was a little nervose because ther were many police around. 1. There was a film crew filming what I think was an add. 2. There was a homeless man being arested.

After silently quarreling about where we should play, we found an excellent spot. B went first, and I read my book: The Cost of Knowing, by Brittney Morris. Then, about 20 minutes in, this guitarist came and sat about 30 feet in front of us and just started playing and singing, not very significantly!! We were like, “What the heck?” But we left soon after and got some popcorn to cheer Bardez up.

Lyle Lyle Crocodile

After an eventful day, dad permitted us to go to the movie theater across the street. We decided to see Lyle Lyle Crocodile. It’s still just in theaters, but so worth it. It is totally family-friendly and rated PG. I highly recommend it. It left me feeling so joyful about the world, and I literally skipped back to the hotel.