Keepin’ It Tidy
Keepin’ It Tidy

Keepin’ It Tidy

While living in an RV or trailer, your personal space is obviously going to be very small. So… here are some tips and trick to help you keep your space neat and tidy.

What I do: I have a medium size tall colored where I keep all of my close. Then above my bed, I have a small cupboard where I keep al my personal items, like books and stuff like that.

How to keep your close neat and tidy: I usually hang-up all of my clothing. I do have a couple of plastic tubs that I use for close that I can’t hang-up. Shoes I would put below your hanging stuff. [In my “closet” if you could call it that, I have an extra shelf, so I but the tubs under the shelf and shoes and hanging tuff up above.

Organizing your personal shelf(s): I would recommend putting your books stacked one on top of another. this way you can have more. If you can have small tub or space to keep all your everyday use items, I would recommend that. I would say that “everyday use” items count as:

  1. Your wallet
  2. Chapstick (if you use it)
  3. Pencils
  4. Electronic Devices: AirPods, Headphones, Computer, E-readers. That kind of stuff.
  5. Any school supplies (which are small)