School on the road
School on the road

School on the road

For most of my life, I have been homeschooled. For those of you who don’t know what the means. It means that I don’t go to an “in person” school, but do my own education at home. Or in this case, in an RV! This year, I am taking 3 online classes: Algebra 1, Formal Logic: Discovery of Deduction, and Well Ordered Language level 4 (WOL4). Other then these classes, I have other study’s. Which include: 1. Writing; I love writing fantasy book/short stories. 2. Making a Website: That’s this! My parents have wanted us (me and my siblings) to learn how to make websites for a while, and now were doing it! And 3. Learning about historical leaders. Right now I’m reading a book called “My Own Words” by Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She’s one of my favorite people in history.

Recently, mom has gotten us into the National Geographic channel, so some nights or while on the plane. Me and my siblings love it. It’s really educational and amazing! I’ve learn so much from it. So I would definitely recommend it to everyone.

A lot of our school is reading books, or exploring the Area wherever we are. We really love museums, so that’s a big thing in our family. The museum in Birmingham, Alabama was verging interesting. It was all about the really bad segregation that was in that city.

Doing school on the road is fun and (most of the time) easy. If you would like to learn more about how we deal with internet and stuff, you can go to and look at the YouTube channel.

Thanks for reading!